Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Interesting bit from

(This is a direct copy from )

Billion Dollar Handout To Upgrade TVs
Posted by kdawson on Tuesday March 13, @06:55PMfrom the if-we-can-send-a-man-to-the-moon dept.

db32 writes "SFGate has the story of the cutoff date for those rabbit ear antennas that some of us grew up with (Feb. 19, 2009). Now while the story of analog vs. digital TV has been beaten to death, still I think there is something more here. 'The Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration... said it is setting aside $990 million to pay for the boxes. Each home can request up to two $40 coupons for a digital-to-analog converter box, which consumer electronics makers such as RCA and LG plan to produce.' Beyond my disdain for most TV to begin with, I am blown away that with all of our current problems — homelessness and crime on the home front, war fighting and terrorism abroad — our government is seriously going to spend this much money on upgrading peoples' televisions."

I love that last part.

Yay to the world we live in. We'll let you starve but you'll be entertained while doing it.

Monday, March 05, 2007

I don't like Toby Mac. Similarly, I don't like tobyMac. Maybe I'm not fond of people who's names also happen to be the name of one of the fattest burgers in the nation pre-"Big K Stacker" era (circa 2006). Maybe I'm not fond of the way he forgot the space between his first and last name… and forgot to capitalize his first name… Perhaps because the chap looks like cauliflower.

But I do know that I really hate that song "Made to Love." It's one of the more annoying songs I've heard in years! I even tried listening to some of his other music, but it's all just… bad. For instance, "Gone" So repetitive… And his voice is icky too. Yup, icky...

It doesn't help that the local 'harder' Christian radio station plays just under every two hours. In fact, this very morning it played at 0744, 0932, and again at 1124. Yes, I noted this. Being that it is currently 1242, I fully expect to have to switch stations in less than forty minutes.